How can we help?

We often have people asking questions about the mortgage process, how we can help, and what types of services we provide. Take a look at our most frequently asked questions and we will be sure to continue to add more questions over time.

Common Mortgage Questions

What kind of credit score do I need?

We do look at your credit, but our loan decisions are based on several factors, including Ability To Repay, Loan-To-Value, and Credit.

What documents do I need for approval?

Below is a general list of items needed for loan approval.  We may need additional items depending on your individual situation.

  1. Pay Stubs covering the most recent 30 days
  2. Most recent 2 years W2’s
  3. Most recent 2 years tax returns, all pages and all schedules
  4. Most recent Bank Statement (if printing online, make sure your name & account number appear on the statements)
  5. Most recent 401k/Retirement/Investment Account Statements – all (if printing online, make sure your name & account number appear on the statements)
  6. Driver’s License
  7. Employment contract for your new job
  8. Proof of any other income: Social Security Awards Letter, Pension Letters, etc
  9. For any real estate owned, provide a recent mortgage statement (monthly bill)
How do I get started?

Call us at 865-246-1040.  A quick 5-10 minute conversation is all it takes to get the process started.